MetaGeek Blog

Mega Bloks + Dry Erase Marker = Flexible Roadmap

MetaGeek follows a lot of the Agile principles; we like to keep things simple and flexible, and like true geeks everywhere we love Legos… so why not use Legos for a roadmap?

Rich Parker

Rich Parker




MetaGeek follows a lot of the Agile principles; we like to keep things simple and flexible, and like true geeks everywhere we love Legos… so why not use Legos for a roadmap?

Here’s our current roadmap (bricks are flipped around to hide the labels)

Color = Development Group

Blue is Software, Red is Firmware, Green is Hardware.

Length = R&D Effort

The length of each block represents the R&D effort involved and is somewhat analogous to a chunk of story points in SCRUM. We have a larger software team than firmware and hardware, so we planned our road map with one nub per month for hardware and firmware, and two nubs per month for software.

Area = Business Value

The business value is represented by the total area of each block. If two projects have a business value of 4, but Project A requires half the R&D effort of Project B, the Project A block will be twice as tall as the Project B block. This makes it obvious which projects have the best ROI and which projects should probably be postponed or canceled.

So instead of an outdated PowerPoint slide we have a flexible product roadmap that we continuously tweak based on customer feedback and market changes.

What would you like us to develop next? Please take our 2 question survey and let us know!

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